Post 2: Experiential Learning

The topic of this post is experiential learning, which “involves reflecting on one’s experience to generate and continually update an action theory that guides the effectiveness of one’s actions” (Johnson & Johnson, 2017). Experiential learning is an iterative process that first involves a learner experiencing a situation in which they take some form of action based on their current schema, then they reflect on their actions, think to form conclusions, which then leads to a revised action the next time a similar situation is presented. (Institute for Experiential Learning, n.d., “What is experiential learning?”)

Experiential learning can occur in group settings, such as through role-playing (Johnson & Johnson, 2017), and demands learner participation and engagement. Experiential learning can reach beyond traditional classroom learning and improve learners’ retention of knowledge and skills (Holdings, 2014).

In respect to our pod’s blueprint and interactive learning resource on descriptive statistics for Grade 10-12 (BC Curriculum) students, experiential learning has the potential to be incorporated into some learning activities. For example, learners can be given a statistics problem to solve in small groups. The instructor could ask students to explain their problem-solving methods, guide and correct misconceptions, and then have students apply this new knowledge to more problems. This process would re-iterate until students understand the concepts taught.


Holdings, K. (2014). 8 Reasons Why Experiential Learning Is The Future Of Learning. Retrieved from

Institute for Experiential Learning. (n.d.). What is experiential learning? Retrieved from

Johnson, D. H., & Johnson, F. P. (2017). Joining together: Group theory and group skills. 12th ed. Boston: Pearson.

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